Friday, March 27, 2009

Time to say goodbye

As with all things must come to and end. I have ended my time with the local vine. It was a great first job when I came to Seattle but we all must hope for bigger and better things! I am moving on to a greener paster with Chambers bay! Just wanted to let everyone know! Ok all is well otherwise! Hopefully have a great post when I start Chambers bay on monday with menu prospects and other fun things.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Experiences

I have some major changes going on in my life personally and professionally. I have been hired by Chambers Bay golf club and am there Executive Chef! Which I am so very happy about! A lot of new growth and they are holding the 2010 US amateur open and in 2015 the US Open! So expect a lot of new post and food pictures of different recipes that I will be testing. ALso I was hired at a greek cafe called VIOS. It is an awesome little cafe that makes all it own products and imports a ton of ingredients from Greece! I have only worked there for 2 days but it has been a very fun and learning experience. 

So technically I have 3 jobs now which is kind of overwhelming at some points but I am looking forward to juggling them to the best of my ability and if need be letting go of one or two of them. My main job is at the Chambers bay golf course and I am VERY much looking forward to that!!!

Leaving a new post very soon! 

Friday, March 20, 2009

Just a picture

two types of caviar with lemon creme fraiche and house made potato chips

Heres what new

I had a final interview with Chamber bay golf course! Really hoping for this one since they are holding the 2010 U.S. amateur championships and in 2015 the U.S. Open!!! Both would be great opportunities to cook at! I am just excited to start working again! Also I had a interview for a italian chain restaurant that Im just not sure about. Its an option at the very least. I also just got a call from another restaurant that I applied to for part time work! So I have a bunch of call to do today! 

On Food news I went over some of the older menus I did in Santa Fe. It was wild to see how much my style of food has changed. I need to start using chiles, achiote, masa and salsas more on the things I create!! I do miss those times it seemed so fun and silly then. I wonder when food became so serious? Im not saying Im not serious about food I just think food can be whimsical as well with great service and perfect quality. Thats all! 

Ok bye for now!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Some books

A couple of really great books are:

The french laundry by Thomas Keller
A day at El bulli by Ferran adria 
Amuse Bouche by Rick Tramonto
Bouchon by Thoma Keller
A chef for all seasons by Gordon Ramsay

Some of these books are quite difficult when it comes to producing the recipes inside but if you ever have any questions what great food and great restaurants are then you should absolutely pick one up. Tallying another list sooner rather than later!

CHeck it Out

So I just wanted to post a pic or two. I have been looking for more work as most or two of you know! But the spirits are up and I am not losing hope over it. so here it is. 

Its lamb chops and Gnocchi in spoons!!! enjoy

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hard Times

I know everyone is saying that the economy is in the toilet right now. That is so the truth. Restaurants everywhere are losing TONS of money. It has been ever increasingly harder to find a job since no one has one and the market is flooded. It totally sucks out there for everyone and the hospitality and food service industry are being hit very hard. 

Sorry for a not so happy post. Just letting people know how bad it has gotten. 


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